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Preparing for Costly Conviction in the Workplace

Writer's picture: Krista BontragerKrista Bontrager
We are getting more and more people writing into the ministry asking for help to think through where the line in the sand is for them when it comes to their jobs conflicting with their religious convictions. We talked to our friend John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center, to get his perspective on what Christians should do to prepare for costly conviction in the workplace.


John Stonestreet serves as President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He’s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture, theology, worldview, education and apologetics. John is the daily voice of Breakpoint, the nationally syndicated commentary on the culture, founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is also the voice of the Point, a daily one-minute feature on worldview, apologetics and cultural issues.

As Christians, we must understand that “woke culture” is not going anywhere, so we need to be prepared to have a “theology of getting fired.” This means:

  • Knowing where the line is drawn and not compromising our Biblical convictions

  • Staying true to heart obedience and not caving to cultural pressure

  • Being willing to accept the consequences for not compromising

  • Having a plan in place BEFORE a crisis hits

  • Our faithfulness may not lead to immediate success, but God does the math on that!

We have gone from a culture where Christians could be made fun of for believing in the Truths of the Bible, to now being considered evil. “Niceness” isn’t cutting it anymore for Christians; niceness actually masquerades as faithfulness. For example, in the name of “niceness” we can be deceived into thinking it’s okay to support abortion, assisted suicide, or otherwise affirming someone’s delusions. This is actually HARMFUL and UNLOVING!

As the culture moves further and further from revealed truth AND observable truth, the decision to take a stand becomes more important.

One hundred years from now, how should Christians be remembered for their faithfulness?:

  • Protecting the unborn & elderly

  • Getting married in a male-female relationship, staying together, and having children

  • Raising children with an appreciation for their God-given identity

  • Also, not getting caught up in the use/support of artificial reproductive technology (ie treating children as a consumer product we can order when we want to)

*It is important for Christians to stand firm, but it’s equally important to not fall for the lie!

How does the Bible support a theology of getting fired?

It’s not necessarily found in one Bible verse per se, but the whole narrative of the Bible pits God’s people against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Also, numerous examples from Christian history and Bible figures:

  • Daniel–stood firm, faced consequences

  • Joseph–running away from Potipher’s wife, consequences as a servant running away

  • Teachings of Paul & Peter (Book of 1 Peter); sin is not only not doing what you know is wrong, but also not doing what you know is right

  • Live by the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8: 32)

  • Hebrew midwives in Exodus

Important questions to ask: What about churches? How are they going to support Christians who have taken a stand and lost their livelihood? How am I going to support my brothers and sisters when they have to take a stand? How am I going to stand with them?

For pastors and leaders:

  • Tell the stories of people who stand firm; correct misinformation

  • Start talking about Christianity’s cultural implications; in other words, being able to connect the challenges of the moment with the Eternal Story; helping people see our cultural moment as a moment within redemptive history



Ask Breakpoint (podcast episode): Building a Theology of Getting Fired:

Summit Ministries: Christian worldview training programs for high school students:

Check out the upcoming MAVEN Immersive Experience happening in July! This is a first-ever open enrollment experience for students across the U.S.! Check out the link to get more info and to register:

**CFBU is partnering with MAVEN to offer a full scholarship for one person to go on the Immersive Experience! To find out more, sign up for our weekly digital newsletter to get the application information!

Connect with the Guest:

Check out the fabulous resources and training opportunities available through the Colson Center:

Stay up-to-date on the latest events in culture from a Christian worldview on the Breakpoint Podcast, hosted by John Stonestreet:


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