Kanye’s conversion and Gospel album; John MacArthur tells Beth Moore to "go home"; The Brick Bible
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Segment #1: Kanye's Conversion and Gospel album
While we were on Sabbatical, Kanye West released a Gospel album, “Jesus is King." So, naturally, we had to comment
We also discussed why Christians who advocate for Critical Race Theory don't seem very excited about this.
The two words that broke the internet for a few days.
John MacArthur was asked at the Truth Matters conference to give his perspective about Beth Moore. His response was brief: "Go home!"
Beth Moore has become iconic –– representing women in ministry in general. So this situation naturally led to a parade of articles and posts basically saying that MacArthur is a "sexist" and "misogynist" and that he owes every woman in the church an apology. And that’s definitely how the culture is going to see it.
The reality is, MacArthur is concerned about the the church caving in to women preachers. We have some thoughts.
Segment #3: Brick Bible
A viewer wanted to get our perspective on her church's warning about The Brick Bible.
Since we own two Brick Bibles, we were curious. So naturally, we investigated. Turns out, The Brick Bible isn't actually for children. And is quite PG-13.
Then we shared some thoughts from our perspective on some better alternatives.
Tweet of the Week: Krista wins her March Madness bracket
Krista was up for a vote this week again on the 2020 Christian Apologist March Madness Qualifiers. We really have no idea what this is, but Krista is currently ranked #42 out of 256 apologists. Woot!