The world feels like an unstable place. It seems like we are constantly standing on the brink of military conflict. Some conservatives are raising questions about these on-going conflicts and that we seem to be constantly involving ourselves in other countries’ business. We asked our friend, Kevin Briggins, to come on the show and share his perspective on these global conflicts. He's a long time military vet and has a Bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern studies.
Our friend and colleague, Kevin Briggins, came back on the show to help us understand issues of global security. Kevin has had a 22-year career as an intelligence analyst in the intelligence community. He holds a degree in Middle Eastern Studies, which encompasses international relations and political science.
As a reminder, Kevin is not speaking on behalf of the US military or his commanding officers; he is here to share his opinion, based on his background and experience.
The world is in chaos!
Ongoing conflict with Russia & Ukraine
Venezuela in chaos
Israel war is almost a year old
Naval maneuvers in the Red Sea
China…Iran…and potential nuclear issues
It is unsettling & feels like A LOT…due in large part to social media and being inundated with news reports 24/7. But, what we have to remember is: this is normal, peace is what’s rare.
What is the goal of US military engagement?
In general, the purpose of the military is to ensure national security of the United States; this includes economic security and partnering with allies to aid in their defense
Read the National Defense Strategy, which is published every 4 years
Why is the US involved in global conflicts? Shouldn’t the US stay out of it?
The US aids other nations because it serves our national interest (eg aiding Ukraine because it means Russia is bogged down & depleting its own resources in the war)
Shouldn’t the US spend money to solve its own problems instead of sending money to the aid of other countries involved in war?
The problems the US is facing are not necessarily the result of lack of funding; for example, the border security problems are political and not due to a lack of money
The nature of war has changed since WWII
What is the US involvement in the war in Israel?
The US has assisted Israel with funding for weapons, providing intelligence, and helping to prevent the war from escalating
Remember: Hamas killed and kidnapped American citizens; therefore, the US is also involved in order to defend its citizens
Should we be concerned about Iran?
The Iranian government and regime is very anti-West; those in power, hate the Jews, hate the West, and fund groups that carry out attacks against Israel
Militarily, they are no threat to the US (no nuclear capabilities); however, they are a threat to stability in the Middle East region
Two views of US involvement: peace through strength vs peace through diplomacy
What is Russia’s goal? Should we be concerned?
Russia is a potential threat because they have nuclear weapons
The war in Ukraine has shown that Russia is not well-equipped to fight & win a war, especially against the US and other NATO powers
What about China?
China believes the US and the Western powers will eventually come to an end and they are positioning themselves to be ready to take over
China is building itself up economically and militarily, which is why an isolationist perspective will not work; if the US pulls out of global involvement, the world will not remain neutral. Instead, another nation will swoop in and take over to attempt to dominate the rest of the world.
Final thoughts:
Daniel 4:32: “...the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.”
Job 12:23: “He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away.”
No matter who is in power, no matter who wins the election, no matter if the US as a nation falls…God is on His throne. We need to continue to trust Him and be obedient.
Eisenhower's Farewell Speech (16 min):
Check out a related episode we did on Just War Theory:
US National Defense Strategy document:
Book mentioned by Kevin, "The Grace Effect":
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